GPS Co-ordinates: S17 56.840 E24 42.055
Please see below the directions to CEC:
Drive toward Ngoma just after the Ngoma gate, turn south towards Kachikau/Muchenje village
you drive this road for 3,5km, turn off at the Muchenje lodge turn off, then as you leave the main road there is a track going off left next to the main road, follow this for 200m the track bends right and about 600m down this sandy track you will find CEC.
This is a surfaced road from Kasane to the entrance to the lodge - approx 60km - 1hr
NOTE: The access to the lodge is a sand track of approximately 600m more suitable for 4x4. If you are driving a 2x4, inform your travel consultant during booking process and we will arrange for one of our team members to wait for you at the turn-off.
From Kasane take the tar road to the Namibian border that goes through Chobe National Park (approx 55km from the airport turnoff to the second boom gate)
Clients will enter Chobe National Park at a gate where they have to sign a book, however there is no payment due as they are only in transit
When they exit the park at the second gate they must take the next turning to the left (towards Kachikau and savute), also a tar road
About 3 km down that road they will see the Chobe Elephant Camp sign on the right hand side, onto a dirt road.
Note: The access to the lodge is a sand track of approximately 600m more suitable for 4x4. If you are driving a 2x4, inform your travel consultant during booking process and we will arrange for one of our team members to wait for you at the turn off.
From the Ngoma Border crossing drive towards Kasane roughly 3km. You will come to an intersection where you need to turn right towards Kachikau/Muchenje village you drive this road for 3,5km, turn off at the Muchenje lodge turn off, then as you leave the main road there is a track going off left next to the main road, follow this for 200m the track bends right and about 600m down this sandy track you will find CEC.
NOTE: The access to the lodge is a sand track of approximately 600m more suitable for 4x4. If you are driving a 2x4, inform your travel consultant during booking process and we will arrange for one of our team members to wait for you at the turn off.